Monday, August 25, 2014

Sad news!

Darn it anyway! The Paper Trail is closing at the end of September 2014! I just finally realized a dream by becoming part of their Design Team and now Chelsea is closing the store. I totally understand though, her online store took off and she found that she didn't have time for her family. So like anyone would do she has decided to focus on her young family instead! I feel very honoured that I was able to be part of her team, even if for only a short time! I got to meet 3 new ladies who share my same designing passion so that is never a bad thing!

click on the logo to view Chelsea's post about closing the store.

Chelsea has a great sale on now at The Paper Trail, 25% off the entire store using code BYEBYE25. I wish Chelsea and her family only great things in the future!

So now my search for a Design Team begins again. Wish me luck!
Chat at you later,

Haul Video #1

Hi everyone! I just finished filming and uploading my first haul video featuring items from The Paper Trail, Peachy Cheap and Simon Says Stamp.

Some of the items from The Paper Trail are out of stock but I did link where else you can get them. 


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